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Quantitative Psychology Concentration add-on in PhD
Psychology Graduate Program offers an add-on concentration in Quantitative Psychology for PhD students who are pursuing their degrees in a track other than Quantitative Psychology.
Within the 42 credits of graded coursework required for the degree, students are expected to complete 18 credits that include:
- * PSYC 7710 and PSYC 7720 (Quantitative Methods I & II);
- * three electives from among:
- PSYC 7760 (Multivariate Analysis),
- PSYC 8730 (Dynamical Systems Analysis),
- PSYC 8735 (Intro to Structural Equation Modeling),
- PSYC 5559 (Intro to Bayesian Methods),
- PSYC 5720 (Fundamentals of Item Response Theory),
- PSYC 7559 (Longitudinal Data Analysis), and
- PSYC 8810 (Exploratory and Graphical Analysis of Data);
- * one additional elective from the preceding list or a course in Statistics or Applied Mathematics approved by the faculty.
Students are expected to attend Quantitative Psychology lunch meetings (PSYC 7505 Continuing Issues in Quantitative Psychology) for at least two semesters.
Students are expected to complete two semester-long appointments as a graduate teaching assistant for PSYC 2005, PSYC 3006 (Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Psychologists), PSYC 7710 (Quantitative Methods I) or PSYC 7720 (Quantitative Methods II). For students without TA obligations (e.g., students with external fellowships), substitutions for the two-semester requirement may be submitted to the quant area faculty for review and consideration. Possible substitutions may include teaching summer R bootcamps, helping improve PSYC 2005/3006 and/or PSYC 7710/7720 online materials, serving as a statistical consultant for the department, etc.
There are no other qualifier exam or thesis requirement to obtain the Certificate for completing the Quantitative Psychology Concentration.