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Accelerated (4+1 or 3+1) MA in Psychology Research Methods
The MA in Psychology with a Research Methods Concentration (RMC) is a suitable career track for students who may want to gain a strong background in research methods before they apply to other advanced degree programs in Psychology, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, or Data Sciences. This MA program is focused on quantitative methods in Psychology. Students considering application to this program should view it as training to prepare themselves professionally for quantitative research positions or educationally for future research-oriented PhD programs where advanced quantitative training will be a necessary entry requirement. In addition, by providing a rigorous education in research methods, the MA in Psychology with RMC empowers students with the tools to be competitive as applicants for jobs requiring expertise in methods and analysis and expertise in a subject area of psychology. For example, knowledge of research methods in social psychology is attractive to employers in advertising, knowledge of research methods in psychobiology is attractive to employers in the pharmaceutical industry, and so on.
What is an Accelerated MA? The +1 MA program in Psychology offers current UVA students a streamlined admission to the graduate school for the purpose of obtaining a Master’s degree after one additional year at UVA.
Who can apply and when are the deadlines? Only the UVA students who are majoring in any program (BA or BS) are eligible to apply beginning April 1st through April 15 of the student's last semester of your undergraduate program. The applications will be reviewed by the Committee directly after the April 15th deadline. Applications received after April 15th will be denied.
What are my first steps if I am interested in this program? Students who are interested in the program should follow these steps in this order:
First fill out the MA Interest Form approximately one year before you in intend to graduate.
Next, send an email to the MA Director of Admission, Prof. Karen Schmidt, to receive guidance and to verify that their schedule and professional interests will accommodate the program.
- How do I apply? Follow the steps listed in the order below:
- Between April 1 - April 15 of your last semester, applicants should email the following to Prof. Karen Schmidt:
- At the time of the application, students are expected to have taken, or registered in, two courses from the prerequisite courses below (PREREQUISITE COUSES)
- Your unofficial transcript, and
- A letter addressed to Prof. Karen Schmidt, outlining their background, the career goals, the two prerequisite courses that you have verified are not being used as part of your undergraduate program (above and beyond the 120 credits hours, and any requirements, including major requirements, for your undergraduate program), and the name of the faculty member in the Department of Psychology who has agreed to serve as your advisor during the Master's program if you are accepted.
The application materials will be reviewed by the Graduate Program Committee in the Department of Psychology. The Graduate Committee will separately seek an endorsement from one or more of the professors of the qualifying courses. A decision will be provided shortly after the review cycle. Selected applicants will need to submit the Graduate Application by May 1. There is no application fee or GRE test requirement.
How is it possible to complete a Master of Arts Degree in 1 year? Students who previously enrolled in courses offered through GSAS (5000 and above) while completing an undergraduate or graduate degree program at the University of Virginia may count up to six credits of such coursework towards a master’s degree. This makes completing the requirements of the MA degree in only 2 additional semesters feasible, while saving the student 6 credits of graduate tuition.
Is it possible to continue for PhD in UVA Department of Psychology after completion of MA? Accelerated Psychology MA in Research Methods is a terminal program, meaning that students who wish to continue on a PhD program should go through the usual admissions process. Depending on the PhD program, some of the courses they take in the MA program may count toward their advanced graduate degree.
Do students receive a stipend while they are in the MA program? No. Students are expected to pay all tuition and fees for the Master of Arts Program. To confirm that potential applicants have the most up-to-date information, they should use UVA Finance's website that is updated after the Board of Visitors approves any changes each year. Please see the Approved Tuition and Mandatory (Comprehensive) Fees here. MA students may be invited to work as graduate teaching assistants or graders in undergraduate Psychology Research Methods courses, and may be compensated if funding is available.
Degree Requirements for +1 MA in Psychology
Two semesters of full-time study in residence.
30 credit hours of graduate-level courses at the 5000 level or above. A course grade of B- and above is required for all courses that will satisfy this requirement.
No transfer credits are accepted.
At least 15 credits should come from quantitative methods courses, listed below. Two of those courses (6 credits) should be taken prior to the admission in the program (prerequisite courses),
The remainder of credits may come from elective psychology courses, listed below.
Please note: Any courses that are used for undergraduate degree requirements cannot be used towards completion of the 30 credit hours required for this master’s program.
Passing a Master’s Proficiency Exam: Students in the terminal MA Program will take their master's proficiency exam during their second semester (spring term). The exam will be comprised of questions from specific quantitative psychology courses, listed below:
PSYC 5323 RM: R in Psychology
PSYC 5500 RM: Advanced Multiple Regression Models and Data Visualization
PSYC 5720 Fundamentals of Item Response Theory
PSYC 5725 RM: Practical Longitudinal Sustainability Studies
PSYC 5705 Introduction to Bayesian Methods
PSYC 5710 Machine Learning and Data Mining
PSYC 7710 Quantitative Methods I: Probability and Statistical Inference
PSYC 7720 Quantitative Methods II: Experimental Design
PSYC 7670 Longitudinal Data Analysis
PSYC 7760 Intro to Applied Multivariate Methods
PSYC 8730 Dynamical Systems Analysis
PSYC 8735 Intro to Structural Equation Modeling
- Optional Thesis: With the permission of the program director and the thesis advisor(s), up to 6 credit hours (in excess of 15 required quant credits) may be satisfied through PSYC 9502 Topical Research. In this case, a Master’s Thesis demonstrating mastery in research methods should be completed for course grades. A thesis does not replace the Master's Exam requirement.
Prerequisite Course Selections
6 credits (2 courses) from this list is expected for applying to the program. Please note: Prerequisites and any courses that are used for undergraduate degree requirements cannot be used towards completion of the 30 credit hours required for this master’s program. Equivalent courses taken from other UVA programs can be petitioned as substitutes for prerequisite courses prior to applying to the MA+1 program. 7000+ level courses can be taken as an undergrad only by the instructor’s permission.
PSYC 5270 Computational Neuroscience
PSYC 5323 RM: R in Psychology
PSYC 5332 Quantified Cognition
PSYC 5500 RM: Advanced Multiple Regression Models and Data Visualization
PSYC 5559 Computer Science for Neuroscientists
PSYC 5720 Fundamentals of Item Response Theory
PSYC 5725 RM: Practical Longitudinal Sustainability Studies
PSYC 5705 Introduction to Bayesian Methods
PSYC 5710 Machine Learning and Data Mining
PSYC 7710 Quantitative Methods I: Probability and Statistical Inference
PSYC 7720 Quantitative Methods II: Experimental Design
PSYC 7670 Longitudinal Data Analysis
PSYC 7760 Intro to Applied Multivariate Methods
PSYC 8730 Dynamical Systems Analysis
PSYC 8735 Intro to Structural Equation Modeling
PLAD 8320 Generalized Linear Models
STAT 5120 Applied Linear Models
EDLF 5310 Data Management for Social Science Research
PLAD 8320 Generalized Linear Models
PSYC 7215 RM: Computational Methods in Psychology and Neuroscience
STAT 5120 Applied Linear Models
PSYC 5270 Computational Neuroscience
PSYC 7215 RM: Computational Methods in Psychology and Neuroscience
Quantitative Methods Courses
At least 15 credits (5 courses) from this list are required for the degree. Students may choose to take all 30 credits from quantitative courses based on availability. PSYC 7651 Professional Issues in Masters Studies (1 - 3) is required.
PSYC 7651 Professional Issues in Masters Studies (1 - 3) (required)
PSYC 5323 RM: R in Psychology
PSYC 5500 RM: Advanced Multiple Regression Models and Data Visualization
PSYC 5720 Fundamentals of Item Response Theory
PSYC 5725 RM: Practical Longitudinal Sustainability Studies
PSYC 5705 Introduction to Bayesian Methods
PSYC 5710 Machine Learning and Data Mining
PSYC 7710 Quantitative Methods I: Probability and Statistical Inference
PSYC 7720 Quantitative Methods II: Experimental Design
PSYC 7670 Longitudinal Data Analysis
PSYC 7760 Intro to Applied Multivariate Methods
PSYC 8730 Dynamical Systems Analysis
PSYC 8735 Intro to Structural Equation Modeling
PSYC 5620 RM: Social Psychophysiology
PSYC 5559 Computer Science for Neuroscientists
PSYC 5332 Quantified Cognition
EDLF 5310 Data Management for Social Science Research
PLAD 8320 Generalized Linear Models
STAT 5120 Applied Linear Models
PSYC 5270 Computational Neuroscience
PSYC 7215 RM: Computational Methods in Psychology and Neuroscience
PSYC 9502 Topical Research
Elective Psychology Courses
Up to 15 credits (5 courses) from 5000-7000 level PSYC courses are needed to fulfill 30 credits required for the degree.