Double Majors FAQ

 What is a double major?

  • If a student is intersted in more than one major, they can major in two subjects.  Students are required to complete a major declaration form for each department or interdepartmental program. See Declaring a Major for rules and policies.

Can I share courses between both majors?

  • Credits applied toward one major may not be included in the core 18 credits of the other major, unless one or both majors is interdisciplinary.
  • No more than two courses can be counted simultaneously for two non-interdisciplinary majors; an interdisciplinary major may share up to three courses with another major.
  • Departmental approval for double counting courses is required by both departments. If the shared courses do not show up in the student information system (SIS) academic requirements report automatically, students must use the Double Count Request form to request which classes they would like to share between each major.

How do I indicate which classes I want to share with each major (in SIS)?

  • The student information system (SIS) will automatically assign courses that are allowed by both majors.  If the courses selected automatically are different than the courses you prefer to share or they are not showing up as shared in your academic requirements report you will need to fill out the Double Count Reqest form to indicate the courses you would like to share.
  • When you are filling out the Double Count Request form you will need to indicate the Director of Undergraduate Programs (DUP) for both majors.  Your first major is DUP A and your second major is DUP B.  Visit the College DUP Directory to find the DUP for each of your programs.

I still have questions, who should I contact?

Please contact the Director of Undergraduate Program, Chris Mazurek for additional help:
[email protected]