- People
- Development in the Lifespan
- Quantitative Methods & Data Science
- Social Determinants of Health
- Innovation and Advancing Clinical Treatments
- Molecules, Neuronal Circuits and Behavior
- Theories and Applications in Social Psychology
- Faculty Publications
- Faculty Bookshelf
- Participate in Research at UVA Psychology
- Graduate
- Undergraduate
- Diversity
- Connect
Here are some organizations to contact to find opportunities for relevant clinical experience to support career and graduate school development in counseling, clinical psychology and psychiatry:
- Big Sister - The Young Women Leaders Program (community-based mentoring program)
- Big Brother - Men's Leadership Project (community-based mentoring program)
- Camp Holiday Trails for disabled children (physical and emotional)
- Lafayette School
- Madison House
- Region 10: Innovative services for mental health, developmental disabilities and substance use disorders
- SARA Sexual Assault Resource Agency
- SidebySide: LGBTQ+ community support organization
- Virginia Institute of Autism
- UVA VISAS (Volunteers with International Students, Staff, and Scholars)
- UVA Behavioral Medicine Center
- UVA Emergency and Crisis Services
- UVA Health
If your organization would like to be added to this contact list, please contact us at psych-info@virginia.edu .