Nicole Long
Office Address: 404 Gilmer Hall
Lab Website: Long Term Memory Lab
Research in my lab is aimed at understanding how we use both top-down and bottom-up processes to encode and retrieve memories. We use a combination of recording techniques including scalp electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging to characterize the neural mechanisms that give rise to successful memory. Our current work is focused on investigating the spatiotemporal dynamics of the global brain states and organizational strategies that underlie the ability to successfully encode and retrieve memories.
For more information about the Long Term Memory Lab click here.
Selected Publications
Smith, D. E. and Long, N. M. (2024) Top-down task goals induce the retrieval state. Journal of Neuroscience, 44 (31)
Smith, D. E., Wheelock, J. R. and Long, N. M. (2024) Response-locked theta dissociations reveal potential feedback signal following successful retrieval. Imaging Neuroscience, 2
Moore, I. L. and Long, N. M. (2024) Semantic associations restore neural encoding mechanisms. Learning & Memory, 3(31)
Long, N. M. (2023) The intersection of the retrieval state and internal attention. Nature Communications, 14:3861
Hong, Y., Moore, I. L., Smith, D. E., and Long, N. M. (2023) Spatiotemporal dynamics of memory encoding and memory retrieval states. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Smith, D. E., Moore, I. L., and Long, N. M. (2022) Temporal context modulates encoding and retrieval of overlapping events. Journal of Neuroscience, 42 (14), 3000–3010
Long, N. M. and Kuhl, B. A. (2021) Cortical representations of visual stimuli shift locations with changes in memory states. Current Biology, 31 (5), 1119–1126