Social lunch -- Maya Rossignac-Milon (Columbia). (Zoom).

Understanding how humans form and maintain interpersonal connections is paramount in an increasingly divided and digital world. What makes new acquaintances “click” with each other? When and how do relationships deepen to such an extent that people feel they have “merged minds” and report that they can “finish each other’s sentences”? And how do these connections influence people’s sense of certainty in their beliefs and their meaning in life? To answer these questions, my research introduces the novel construct of Generalized Shared Reality—the experience of sharing the same thoughts and feelings as an interaction partner about the world. This talk explores the role of shared reality in (1) forging and deepening interpersonal connections, (2) establishing a sense of certainty in one’s perceptions and beliefs, and (3) experiencing subjective well-being in daily life. This work suggests that shared reality bonds people to each other and shifts their perceptions of everyday experiences.

Time and Location: 
12:30pm, Zoom
Monday, March 1, 2021
Merged Minds: Generalized Shared Reality in Dyadic Relationships. (Zoom link, Meeting ID: 936 9891 3456, PWD: social).