Quantitative lunch -- Tara Valladeres. (Zoom).

Item response theory is one approach to analyzing self-report scales. Item response theory encompasses various models that link observed scale responses to individuals' unobserved trait. Due to advantages over traditional analytical models, interest in item response theory has grown in recent years. Thus, it is essential to improve methodology to provide the most precise results and inform future users of item response theory methods. As such, the first study focuses on missing data in item response theory models. Equally important is applying item response theory to current measurement issues in psychological test construction. Therefore, the second study involves using item response theory to create a scale measuring bias against non-human animals.

Time and Location: 
12:30pm, Zoom
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Item response theory in social psychology: Methodology and application. (Zoom link, Meeting ID: 836 870 6265).