Quantitative lunch -- Dr. Jim Soland (UVA Education).

Though much effort is often put into designing psychological studies, the measurement model and scoring approach employed are often an afterthought, especially when short survey scales are used (Flake & Fried, 2020). One possible reason that measurement gets downplayed is that there is generally little understanding of how calibration/scoring approaches could impact common estimands of interest, including treatment effect estimates, beyond random noise due to measurement error. Another possible reason is that the process of scoring is complicated, involving selecting a suitable measurement model, calibrating its parameters, then deciding how to generate a score, all steps that occur before the score is even used to examine the desired psychological phenomenon. In this study, we provide three motivating examples where surveys are used to understand individuals’ underlying social emotional and/or personality constructs to demonstrate the potential consequences of measurement/scoring decisions. These examples also mean we can walk through the different measurement decision stages and, hopefully, begin to demystify them. As we show in our analyses, the decisions researchers make about how to calibrate and score the survey used has consequences that are often overlooked, with likely implications both for conclusions drawn from individual psychological studies and replications of studies.

Time and Location: 
12:30pm, Mill 123 and Zoom
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Avoiding Bias When Scoring Surveys for Common Psychological Study Designs: Through the IRT Looking Glass. (Zoom link, Meeting ID: 985 1860 5586, PWD: 212069).