Bethany A. Teachman
Office Address: 226C Gilmer Hall
Office Hours: Mon: 10:00-11:00; Wed: 9:00-10:00
Lab Website: PACT Lab
The Program for Anxiety, Cognition and Treatment (PACT) lab investigates cognitive processes that contribute to the development and maintenance of anxiety disorders and other forms of emotion dysregulation. We are especially interested in how thoughts that occur outside of our conscious control contribute to anxiety and avoidance, and how we can change thinking styles to improve emotional functioning. We use digital technologies, such as mobile apps and web-based cognitive bias modification programs, to shift anxious thinking. Our goal with these technologies is to increase access to evidence-based interventions to help overcome common barriers to accessing treatment, such as cost, transportation, and stigma involved in seeking mental health treatment.
Recent Selected Publications
- Bernstein, D. A., Teachman, B. A., Olatunji, B. O., & Lilienfeld, S. O. (2020). Introduction to clinical psychology: Bridging science and practice (Ninth edition). Cambridge University Press.
Journal Articles
- Daniel, K. E., Larrazabal, M. A., Boukhechba, M., Barnes, L. E. & Teachman, B. A. (2023). State and trait emotion regulation diversity in social anxiety. Clinical Psychological Science, 21677026231151956.
- Daniel, K. E., Southward, M. W., & Teachman, B. A. (2023). Investigating psychiatric symptoms as predictors of the reasons people do not regulate their emotions in daily life. Emotion.
- Ladis, I., Seitov, A., Barnes, L. E., & Teachman, B. A. (2023). Perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness in text messages of suicide attempt survivors. Archives of Suicide Research, 1-12.
- Ladis, I., Toner, E. R., Daros, A. R., Daniel, K. E., Boukhechba, M., Chow, P. I., Barnes, L. E., Teachman, B. A., & Ford, B. Q. (2023). Assessing emotion polyregulation in daily life: Who uses it, when is it used, and how effective is it? Affective Science, 4(2), 248-259.
- Beltzer, M. L., Ameko, M. K., Daniel, K. E., Daros, A. R., Boukhechba, M., Barnes, L. E., & Teachman, B. A. (2022). Building an emotion regulation recommender algorithm for socially anxious individuals using contextual bandits. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61, 51-72.
- Silverman, A. L., & Teachman, B. A. (2022). The relationship between access to mental health resources and use of preferred effective mental health treatment. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 78(6), 1020-1045.
- Teachman, B. A., Werntz, A., & Silverman, A. L. (2022). Digital mental health services: Moving from promise to results. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 29(1), 97-104.
- Werntz, A., Silverman, A., Behan, H., Patel, S. K., Beltzer, M. L., Boukhechba, M., Barnes, L., & Teachman, B. A. (2022). Lessons learned: Providing supportive accountability in an online anxiety intervention. Behavior Therapy, 53(3), 492-507.
- Ji, J. L., Baee, S., Zhang, D., Calicho-Mamani, C. P., Meyer, M. J., Funk, D., ... & Teachman, B. A. (2021). Multi-session online interpretation bias training for anxiety in a community sample. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 103864.
- Eberle, J. W., Boukhechba, M., Sun, J., Zhang, D., Funk, D., Barnes, L., & Teachman, B. A. (2020). Shifting episodic prediction with online cognitive bias modification: A randomized controlled trial. Clinical Psychological Science, 21677026221103128.
American Psychological Association Division 12 Society of Clinical Psychology Invited Speaker for the American Psychological Foundation’s (APF) Spielberger EMPathy Symposium (2023)
Featured Woman of the Month by the Committee on Women in Medicine and Science at UVA (2023)
Inaugural Psychology Dept. Excellence in Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Award (2020)
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (2019)
Public Voices Fellowship with the Op-Ed Project (2019)
American Psychological Association Presidential Citation (2019)
University of Western Australia Institute of Advanced Studies Visiting Fellow (2019)
Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology Lawrence H. Cohen Outstanding Mentor Award (2018)