
Per Sederberg
Professor of Psychology | Director Cognitive Science Program

412 Gilmer Hall

Dr. Sederberg joined the Psychology Department in the Fall of 2017. His research broadly investigates the successes and failures of human memory with the overarching goal of developing a comprehensive theory of memory formation and retrieval that links behavior to underlying neural mechanisms. His work combines a number of approaches to uncover the neural correlates and develop computational models of the complex dynamics of human memory processes, including multivariate analysis of neural data collected via fMRI and EEG, large-scale behavioral experiments, and computational modeling to guide and interpret his experimental findings.

Selected Publications

Sederberg P.B., Miller J.F., Howard M.W., and Kahana M.J. (in press) The temporal contiguity effect predicts episodic memory performance. Memory & Cognition.

Hanke M., Halchenko Y.O., Sederberg P.B., Olivetti E., Frund I., Rieger J.W., Herrmann C.S., Hanson S.J., Haxby J.V., and Pollmann S. (2009) PyMVPA: A Unifying Approach to the Analysis of Neuroscientific Data. Fontiers in Neuroinformatics.

Sederberg P.B., Howard M.W., and Kahana M.J. (2008) A context-based theory of recency and contiguity in free recall. Psychological Review, 115, 893-912.

Sederberg P.B., Schulze-Bonhage A., Madsen J.R., Bromfield E.B., Litt B., Brandt A., and Kahana M.J. (2007) Gamma oscillations distinguish true from false memories. Psychological Science, 18, 927-932.

Sederberg P.B., Schulze-Bonhage A., Madsen J.R., Bromfield E.B., McCarthy D.C., Brandt A., Tully M.S., and Kahana M.J. (2007) Hippocampal and neocortical gamma oscillations predict memory formation in humans. Cerebral Cortex, 17, 1190-1196.

Sederberg P.B., Gauthier L.V., Terushkin V., Miller J.F., Barnathan J.A., and Kahana M.J. (2006) Oscillatory Correlates of the Primacy Effect in Episodic Memory. NeuroImage, 32, 1422-1431.

Sederberg P.B., Kahana M.J., Howard M.W., Donner E.J., and Madsen J.R. (2003) Theta and gamma oscillations during encoding predict subsequent recall. Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 10809-10814.