2017-18 Colloquium Series - Hazel Markus (Stanford Univ)


L. Starling Reid Keynote Speaker

Hazel Markus
Davis-Brack Professor in the Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University

“Psychology’s Independence Bias: Implications for Theories, Methods and Applications”

Interdependence pervades many cultures and psyches around the world and with the U.S.. Yet the theories, methods and applications of psychological science still demonstrate a persistent bias toward independence (e.g., a focus on what’s inside the individual, on influence, expression, and choice, on freedom from tradition, history and place, and on equality among individuals). This way of being is more familiar and practiced by those with more power and status than by those with less (e.g, women, people of color, lower SES, people in the Global South). Fostering an understanding of the sources and many facets of interdependence (e.g., connection, relationality, responsibility, adjustment to obligations and norms, hierarchy, rootedness) can mitigate the increasing clash of independence and interdependence, enhance motivation, performance and creativity, fuel more effective interventions, and produce a comprehensive psychology.

Friday, April 13, 2018
3:30 p.m.
Gilmer 190

Coffee at 3:15pm.
Reception will be held after the talk.

Time and Location: 
3:30pm, Gilmer 190
Friday, April 13, 2018
Psychology’s Independence Bias: Implications for Theories, Methods and Applications